Agora's SD-RTN vs the Public Internet - Video Calling Quality Comparison

This page compares call quality over Agora's network (SD-RTN) with Peer to Peer (p2p) over the public internet.

Channel:   IP:   Local:   Remote:   Duration:  

Video relayed back over Peer to Peer (p2p) Video relayed back over Agora SD-RTN
Real Time Stats Real Time Stats

Genius Score is defined as: (average_fps * average_width * average_height) / (latency * video_freezing * dropped_audio)

Method: Two video calls are established simultraneously with a remote web browser over SD-RTN and p2p.
The locally generated millisecond clock video is published over both calls and echoed back by the remote user.
The clocks are read using OCR and browser metrics are used to calculate connection time, latency, jitter,
bitrate, framerate volatility and packet loss. These stats cover the full path to the remote computer and back.

Stats explained (for more detail visit webrtc stats)
Connect time: time to join both ends, publish and subscribe, W: Width of inbound video, H: Height of inbound video
FPS: frames per second, Nack: packets re-requested from remote, Lost: packets marked lost kbps: inbound bitrate
Drop: incoming video packets dropped, Freezes: incoming video freezes, Freeze Dur: total incoming video freeze duration
Jitter: current jitter, avg:average jitter, max: maximum jitter
FPS Vol%: current volatility in render frame rate, avg: fps render vol, max: fps render vol
Averages fps: average inbound video fps, W: average width of inbound video, H: average height of inbound video
Audio lost: audio packets considered lost, discard: audio packets discarded and not played, delay: audio jitter buffer delay

The connect button will enable once the OCR workers are setup. Any questions: